Lego Incredibles: Smash Through Municiberg and New Urbem
by Niki Wyre
Title: Lego Incredibles
Publisher: TT Games
Platform: Xbox One (Also available PS4, Switch, Windows)
Type of game: Action / Adventure / Family
Difficulty: Beginner / Casual
Age restrictions: E10+
Single or multiplayer
Length of game: I hit 94% at 22 hours
Replay value: Depends on if you are a completionist
Game navigation: Best of all the Lego games
If you are a Lego video game or Incredibles fan, don’t miss out on the new video game. You will be zipping around Municiberg and New Urbem in not time.
I was surprised at the changes to the traditional flow in the Lego style games. Sure you have the smashing like the normal, (yes!) but the the mapping is much easier to navigate with less glitching. The story flew in such a nice way and cut scenes were great. I do not recommend playing before seeing the movie. (Bad move on my part. Sigh.)
What will you find in the game? So many characters to collect! I am almost done collecting mine. I have saved my races for last because… well I hate that part. So expect lots of races as well. There will be puzzles but a lot of the free mode items to find are easier to find items compared to previous games. It makes it more family friendly for the younger ones since it is Incredibles game.
All in all, I do recommend this title. It was really fun, considering I managed to put in that many hours in just 4 days around my high school reunion to boot. Lol I did not want to stop playing it. Of course I am also a Lego completionist so I will not stop now until I hit 100 percent or my game OCD will drive me nuts. So if you get stuck, let me know.
You can buy it or find more information on it here.
Until next time.
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