Why Start a Geek Blog Now? and The Event That Changed Everything
By Niki Wyre
As I was sitting across the table from two of my friends I had seen from high school having our informal reunion all these years later, the discussion eventually came around to NikiWyre.com and what came to my drive to suddenly make this lifelong but side burner ideal a reality… the “event”. So I took in a really long breath, tried not to cry and look in to the eye and told the two friends that knew me best in my little threesome braving the honor classes of high school, about the day that changed everything in our world 15 weeks ago.
15 weeks ago, I went in for the second loading dose of my infusion treatment Orencia at my rheumatologist for Psoriatic Arthritis. It seemed like a normal day for me. I hobbled in on my cane, greeted warmly by staff, kissed by Murphy as he went out to play games in truck in wait, and I sat in recliner. I chatted with ladies while everything was prepped. My lovely nurse tsked at my veins per usual and searched. It was my lucky day and we got an IV in on the first shot! This was a momentous occasion. All that water pushing yesterday paid off, I remember thinking.
My nurse had just started to push my Orencia in and I texted Murphy to let him know that the treatment had begun. I put my phone down, picked up my Kindle and then started to feel warm. Eh, maybe hormones right? No. All of sudden I felt tingle. I was able to call my nurses name and say “I think I am having a reac-” when my lungs started seizing up, my bp started crashing and it felt like my heart was being squeezed in a death grip.
Things become a blur here. I can still see the panic in their eyes.. her screaming for the doctors, frantically stopping the meds.. my doctor yelling “God, she’s so pale”.. asking me to come back.. calling for rescue steroids twice.. being put on oxygen.. bp crashing.. heart almost stopping.. the multiple fire rescue and ambulance groups crowded in office.. me frantically trying to point to Murphy’s name on phone to show them to call him outside.. His face when he finally came in and saw what was going on in pure fear.. The transport to ER…
Thanks to the quick thinking of the nurse, my doctor and her staff, I am here but most of all that day changed me in ways I cannot even begin to describe. For many years I have wanted to blog about my passions and not behind a pseudonym but have been afraid of being judged because of being less than. I always put it off for when I lost enough weight or became more mobile or when my health was more under control. The “event’ taught me that there is no time like the present. There may not be a day where all those criteria are met. I need to stop putting off things I can do or enjoy today for some future ideal time.
So that came back to what I have always wanted to do, talk about what I have always enjoyed the most. Now I can publicly express my individuality, love for all things geek and gaming on more than social media.
Until next time,
<3 Niki Wyre
First of all *massive hugs*. I cannot imagine what it is like to go through an event like that but I for one am glad you came through it and with a kick ass blog to boot! I would never have gotten the chance to meet you otherwise 🙂